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What's stopping you from living the life to want?


Online Coaching with Carolyn Harmon


about me

My name is Carolyn Harmon

After receiving her PhD in biochemistry, Carolyn worked as a clinical scientist for various hospitals and pharmaceutical companies throughout the United States. Because she saw many of those around her struggling with their health and she understood that there was need to educate people how to stay well, Carolyn began to envision a life dedicated to assisting all those who were seeking relief. In 2019, Carolyn completed the Coach Training Alliance Certified coaching program and the Institution of Integrative Nutrition Health coaching program in 2020.  Carolyn founded her company, Stridely Health and Lifestyle Coaching in 2019 and continues her work as a full-time health and lifestyle coach online serving clients in many countries and helping them to live a happy and healthy life.


My Services

One on one.

If you are ready to get to the core root of what keeps you from getting to and maintaining your ideal weight, what keeps you awake at night, and why you often feel uncomfortable, foggy, bloated with no energy. And maybe you know what to do but you just can’t seem to take the right action. It’s time to get the one-on-one attention you need to remove the fears, the pains, the lies or whatever it is that is holding you back. Stop making excuses and start your transformation today. Click below to schedule a discovery call only if

Get help with tips for creating habits that encourage healthy practices, learn about primary foods and the keys to maintaining and sustaining a healthy balance in your overall life.  Click below to receive updates when our workshops are scheduled.

  • You are ready to get control of your health​.

  • You want to wake up feeling so refreshed and vibrant everyday​.

  • ​You want to be filled with anticipation, joy, and wonder about what is next.

  • You are ready to become the person that you dream you can be.

Black Sky

"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."

Thomas Edison

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